New Ways of Seeing

Pornpas Pittayawiriyakul
3 min readJul 26, 2020

(Invisible Networks)

“millions of internet users around the world, passes through these buildings: every email we send, every web search we make, every website we visit”

“They’re in our phones, our computers, and our information networks — even it we’re aware of them”

“ The internet and other digital technologies affect every aspect of our lives, our politics, our society. They’re rooted deep in our shared history. They determine our future ”

Using the internet nowadays seems to be more difficult from the past due to the awareness of many sensitive issues. I feel like everyone needs to take responsibility for their word and sentence which is good. Justin Bieber has just sued the girl who accused him of sexual harassment issues but due to the evidence on the internet such as the article or the picture that the fans took and posted it online so he can be relieved from being an offender. The power of the internet can drag someone in such a difficult moment and can also prove that a person is innocent. To be honest, I’ve just known that even the private window on browsers can still be tracked which destroys my trust since I was a kid. Can’t I even just have some special moments with myself?

“ The internet and other digital technologies affect every aspect of our lives, our politics, our society. They’re rooted deep in our shared history. They determine our future ”

“ And most of us don’t understand how it works, or the reality of its effect on our lives. ”

“Things are getting so invisible, and so hidden, that you start to think you can do only what is on the surface, what is visible”

On the other hand, some issues such as political or royal issues seem to be super fragile to speak out in Thailand. Together with the gap of using the internet which is known that privacy isn’t real at all. If there’s a case, everything can be tracked but selected case by case depending on how privilege you are and what kind of news could get feedback more. The news that would affect the government like the protesting of the student or LGBT+ will definitely be banned. I’ve just realised that being able to control the broadcast can cause a huge change. Propaganda really works on people, works on me even now people do believe in what they see through the news on TV that is selected by some people that don’t want us to see the truth. We only see what they want us to see and How can people not believe what they see? What can I believe now?

“ We don’t even expect you to know how to do things, we just want you to take things ”

When I read this sentence, I feel like being punched on my face real hard. Yes, as a student in Thailand for the rest of my life, I admit that I used to spend my life like that. The power of advertisement through every media that I have seen really affects me. Shaping the personality that would never question anything and believe what they want me to believe. However, the exact same media raise awareness in me with social media that can reach any kind of people with a different opinion and they educated the lesson that I will never ever get in the classroom at school.

“I think that when we talk about technology, we’re really talking about ourselves”

“ the way we see the world is shaped by the tools we use ”

I still not sure if I get it right but I think that it’s not the internet itself. It’s how people use it and I tend to understand this sentence because I also use the internet for almost the rest of my life but how I use it really affects the way I am seeing the world.

